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Net Zero Cloud: The Ultimate Tool for Green Tech Businesses

Net Zero Cloud

Today’s businesses are increasingly held accountable for their environmental impact. In other words, the need for sustainable practices has never been more pressing. Enter Net Zero Cloud (Formerly Salesforce Sustainability Cloud)—a powerful tool designed to help businesses measure and reduce their carbon footprint. So what exactly is Net Zero Cloud? Why should green tech businesses adopt it? Let’s find out the answers to these questions (plus a lot more) in this blog. What is Net Zero Cloud? Net Zero Cloud is a Salesforce tool that is designed to help organisations manage and improve sustainability efforts. It was previously known as Salesforce Sustainability Cloud. It is a carbon accounting platform for businesses that are most concerned about climatic impacts, such as green tech businesses. Interestingly, the platform goes beyond mere data tracking. It empowers companies to: Make informed decisions Align with global sustainability goals Build a future where business success and environmental responsibility go hand in hand. Net Zero Cloud offers tools for tracking and measuring environmental impact and also facilitates reporting the changes in compliance with sustainability standards. Key Features of Net Zero Cloud for Green Tech Here are some of the most unique and useful features of Net Zero Cloud platform that are popular among green tech companies –  Automated Accounting Analysing carbon data can be a daunting task. In fact, it can become quite overwhelming for even the best of green tech companies to do it right. The Net Zero Cloud has a solution for this. It offers automated reporting facilities that have pre-loaded datasets. This helps in meeting the various requirements of regulatory bodies such as the IPCC. Green tech companies can directly use the datasets to account for their carbon footprint and present them during audits. Key Performance Indicators Net Zero Cloud allows green tech businesses to set and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to sustainability, including carbon emissions, energy consumption, water usage, waste generation, and social impact. This gives the businesses owners a better understanding of how near or far they are from their sustainability goals. Circular Economy Management The platform facilitates the shift towards a circular economy by helping green tech businesses optimise resource utilisation and enhance recycling. It also enables them to monitor the lifecycle of the company’s outputs and explore opportunities to measure the environmental benefits of adopting circular practices. Integration with ESG Standards The Net Zero Cloud supports integration with emerging Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting standards including GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board), and TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures). These integrations help green tech companies to streamline their ESG reporting processes, improving transparency and accountability. How Green Tech Businesses are Leveraging Net Zero Cloud? Here are the different ways in which green tech businesses are leveraging Net Zero Cloud to improve their operations and reduce their carbon footprint at the same time –  Real-Time Data Tracking: Net Zero Cloud enables green tech companies to track carbon emissions across their entire value chain in real time. In other words, it allows for a detailed and comprehensive understanding of their environmental impact. Automated Data Collection: The platform automates the collection and reporting of sustainability data, reducing the administrative burden and increasing accuracy. This helps green tech businesses stay compliant with evolving environmental regulations. Predictive Analytics: Green tech companies use Net Zero Cloud’s predictive analytics to model different carbon reduction scenarios. This allows them to forecast the impact of various strategies on their emissions. This then helps them to make informed decisions on the most effective paths to achieving net-zero goals. Goal Setting and Tracking: The platform supports setting science-based targets for emissions reduction. This enables green tech companies to track progress against these goals in a structured manner. Streamlined Reporting: Net Zero Cloud simplifies the creation of sustainability reports, including frameworks like GRI, CDP, and TCFD. This transparency is essential for green tech businesses to communicate their environmental efforts to stakeholders, including investors, customers, and regulatory bodies. Investor Confidence: By providing accurate and detailed reports, green tech companies can enhance investor confidence, showcasing their commitment to sustainability and their progress toward net-zero targets. Supplier Engagement: Net Zero Cloud enables businesses to engage with suppliers and other stakeholders to reduce emissions throughout the supply chain. Green tech companies can assess the carbon impact of their suppliers and collaborate on sustainability initiatives, driving down emissions. Sustainable Sourcing: The platform helps businesses make more informed decisions about sourcing and logistics, prioritising suppliers with lower carbon footprints and improving overall supply chain sustainability. Wrap Up Net Zero Cloud is an extremely robust platform for green tech organisations who are on the lookout for advanced sustainability management solutions. However, to unlock the full potential of the Net Zero Cloud, it is necessary to partner with a Salesforce expert like Brysa. We are UK’s leading Salesforce consultant with expertise in managing Salesforce for Green Tech companies. To know more about us and how we can help you, contact us now.

Making Slack the Pillar of Collaboration in Your Company

Making Slack the Pillar of Collaboration in Your Company

According to Gartner, 47% of digital employees struggle to find the desired information, while 32% end up making the wrong decision due to a lack of information. These 2 hard-hitting facts convey the same thing –  effective collaboration is the key to business success. Most of the time, the information is stuck in silos, leading to inefficiencies, duplicated efforts, and missed opportunities. Now, to improve collaboration in your organisation, there are countless tools available on the internet, but if there is one that stands out due to its rich feature set and capabilities, it has to be Slack. In this article, we will understand how Slack can become the pillar of collaboration in your company. But first, some basics. What is Slack? Slack is an instant messaging and collaboration tool that was launched in 2013. In the last 11 years, it has turned out to be a boon for many companies looking to bolster their team communication. Apart from a real-time environment where team members can chat, Slack also allows them to seamlessly share files, do audio and video calls, and integrate with third-party tools. In Slack, users can create spaces dedicated to specific topics or projects where only relevant team members are invited to collaborate.  Here are some common use cases of Slack: Instant communication Project planning and progress tracking File sharing and document collaboration Customer support Internal knowledge sharing Task management and reminders Importance of seamless collaboration: Why do you need a tool like Slack? Let us now understand why seamless collaboration between team members is very important for a healthy organisation. This also answers the question – why you must adopt Slack in your company. Here are the top reasons: All the team members get a better understanding of all the projects happening within the organisation. For instance, you will find many organisations creating one large Slack space for all the employees in the organisation, where everyone can share what they are going to work on that day or week. Seamless collaboration facilitates easier and better knowledge transfer. For example, when an employee quits, most of the time, the knowledge they gained leaves with them. But when they have interacted with other team members via Slack, all the information is available for retrieval later. This minimises the impact of their departure. Strong collaboration results in a better product or service. The logic is simple. The more the employees communicate, the more they come up with innovative ideas. It results in more opportunities for enhancements and fewer chances of errors.  Effective collaboration fosters a strong culture where everyone supports each other. As a result, there is less fear of failure because now, every project is a group project.  Integration of Slack and Salesforce (SSOT) While Slack is a great tool, no doubt, it becomes even more effective when integrated with Salesforce SSOT. Here are some reasons why Slack plus Salesforce SSOT should be the actual pillar of collaboration in your company –  Real-Time Sales Updates Once you integrate Slack with Salesforce SSOT, all your relevant sales data and updates become easily accessible within Slack. Your sales teams can receive real-time notifications about changes in lead status, deal closures, and other important account activities. This allows your team to act quickly and stay informed without the constant need to open multiple platforms.  Seamless Account Collaboration With Salesforce data available directly in Slack, your sales representatives, account managers, and customer success teams can collaborate more effectively on customer accounts. Shared access to Salesforce records in Slack channels means your teams can discuss and resolve issues in an agile manner. Enhanced Lead Management By integrating Slack with Salesforce, processes like lead assignment and follow-ups become more efficient and effective. In fact, you can set up automated alerts in Slack for new leads. This ensures that no opportunity is missed and that leads are promptly addressed by the right team members. Improved Sales Pipeline Visibility The integration provides clear visibility into your sales pipeline, as you can share Salesforce dashboards and reports in Slack channels. This enables your sales teams to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions to improve sales performance. Accurate Forecasting Using Slack as a communication hub integrated with Salesforce helps maintain data consistency and accuracy. Real-time updates and synchronisation between Slack and Salesforce ensure that sales forecasts are based on the most current data, leading to more reliable predictions and better strategic planning. Salesforce + Slack: The Road Ahead The integration of Salesforce and Slack has already reshaped how teams operate and interact in today’s dynamic business world. A particularly exciting development on this front is the native integration of Slack with Einstein Copilot, the conversational AI assistant for Salesforce CRM. This infusion of GenAI into Slack is set to empower employees to accomplish their tasks more efficiently by providing direct answers to their questions within Slack, all based on trusted customer data. You can read more on how Single Source Of Truth (SSOT) creates a better foundation for GenAI in your company. You can build a workspace where mundane tasks are handled by Slack and Salesforce, allowing employees to focus on more meaningful work. This AI integration will make everyday tasks simpler, interactions more pleasant, and overall productivity higher. If you wish to be a part of this tectonic shift in meaningful collaboration, join hands with Brysa, the leading Salesforce expert in the UK. We offer Salesforce implementation and maintenance services and make sure that you experience all the benefits offered by Salesforce, including the ones you achieve by integrating with Slack. Contact us to start your transformational journey.

The Path to Automated Workflows and Processes from Multiple Excel Spreadsheets

Automating Workflows and Processes

Imagine a scenario 10 years back in your office. Your employee is applying for a leave request. Here’s what typically happens: Employee sends a leave request email to the manager The manager checks the email during his routine ‘email-checking’ hours  The manager reviews the leave request and approves it The manager sends a response email saying the leave request has been approved The manager adds the leave to the company calendar As you can see, the above series of activities are completely manual, grossly inefficient and takes time to complete. While processes like leave management have been automated to a great extent today, there are several tasks in different business areas that are still performed manually. And the chief culprit behind most of these tasks is the rampant usage of Excel spreadsheets. In this article, we are going to dive deep and understand why moving out of Excel spreadsheets is the first step towards automated workflows in your organization. But before that, let us understand what exactly automated workflows or workflow automation is. What is workflow automation? It is a method where you streamline different activities involved in a task and get them to operate independently without human interference. When workflow automation is properly implemented, it will simplify processes organization-wide and enhance the productivity of your team. As a business owner, you can automate workflows in your organisation by following the below steps: Step 1: Identifying tasks that are inefficient Step 2: Identifying all the activities in the task that can be automated.  Step 3: Establish rules and logic that dictate how these activities should be performed.  Step 4: Programming a relevant application with these predefined business rules and logic. These rules and logic typically include a series of if-then statements that guide the application on what actions to take and how to progress from one activity to the next. By following these instructions, the application completes the series of activities from start to finish, eliminating the need for human intervention. With that basic understanding of workflow automation, let us discuss why it is essential to move out of Excel spreadsheets to be on a path toward automated workflows.  The challenges of dealing with multiple spreadsheets From tracking leads to handling customer inquiries, organisations are found to be heavily reliant on spreadsheets today. However, spreadsheets have several limitations that prevent your employees from handling the above tasks at their fullest efficiency. Here are the limitations: Data fragmentation: When data is spread across multiple spreadsheets, it creates isolated pockets of information, often referred to as data silos. This fragmentation makes it difficult to get a unified view of the data, which is crucial for making informed decisions. Inconsistencies and errors: Multiple spreadsheets increase the risk of inconsistent data entry, formatting discrepancies, and human errors. This can lead to flawed outputs and decision-making. Version control issues: Managing versions of spreadsheets and ensuring that all stakeholders are working with the most recent version is challenging when dealing with multiple spreadsheets. It can lead to confusion and duplication of effort. Limited integration: Spreadsheets often lack robust integration capabilities with other business systems and software. This makes it hard to connect them with other systems, such as CRM, ERP, or specialised automation platforms. Scalability issues: Spreadsheets are not designed to handle large volumes of data or complex data structures efficiently. They can become slow and unwieldy. Security issues: Spreadsheets are often less secure compared to other systems and can be more susceptible to unauthorised access and data breaches. Now that you know the ‘why’ part, let us understand the ‘how’ part. In other words, let us learn how to move out of Excel sheets and get into a path to complete workflow automation.  How to switch from Excel sheets to automated workflows and processes? Here are the different business areas where you can replace multiple Excel sheets with automated workflows: 1) Sales Sales teams often struggle with disintegrated information spread across numerous spreadsheets, leading to errors and inconsistencies in tracking leads and other top-of-the-funnel activities. The lack of real-time data synchronisation means that critical updates on client engagements or deal progress can be missed, resulting in lost opportunities. To counter these challenges, it is important to switch from spreadsheets to a CRM like Sales Cloud that offers automated workflows in the following sales functions: Lead capture: Sales Cloud can automate lead capture and distribution by ensuring that leads are quickly assigned to the appropriate sales representatives. It could be automated based on predefined criteria, such as after a website visit or filing a form.  Sales Pipeline Management: Sales Cloud can automate the tracking of the progress of deals throughout the sales pipeline by centralizing critical sales data, making it easily accessible and shareable among team members. It can even alert you for follow-up with leads which ensures that no opportunities are missed and your sales team remains proactive. Quote and Proposal Generation: Sales Cloud can automate the creation of quotes and proposals so that your reps need not spend on administrative tasks, allowing them to focus more on selling. Want to implement Salesforce Sales Cloud in your organisation? Check out our Sales Cloud Quick Start Package. 2) Marketing Marketing teams relying on spreadsheets have always found it difficult to track campaign performance, customer engagement, and budget allocation, which often results in data discrepancies and outdated information. The lack of real-time updates also makes it difficult to adjust strategies promptly based on current performance metrics. To counter these challenges, you can replace Excel sheets with Salesforce Marketing Cloud, which offers automated workflows in the following marketing functions: Campaign Management: Salesforce Marketing Cloud can automate the management and execution of complex multi-channel campaigns. It can also track customer interactions and auto-adjust strategies in real time based on performance data. Lead Nurturing: Salesforce Marketing Cloud automates personalised content delivery that helps in nurturing leads effectively. It helps in moving qualified leads through the sales funnel until they are ready for a sales handoff. Analytics and Reporting: Salesforce