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Salesforce vs HubSpot: Which is the Right Choice for You?

Comparison Guide Salesforce vs HubSpot

If your business operations involve managing sales and prospects on a regular basis, then you definitely need a CRM or Customer Relationship Management software. No second thoughts there. A CRM helps in tracking your prospects, nurturing them into customers, and developing a long-lasting relationship with them. It achieves this by offering data-driven insights that you’d typically miss without a CRM.  Now, the market is flooded with a plethora of CRMs, but if we have to pick two, it will invariably be Salesforce and HubSpot, the two market leaders. But which is better of the two? Let’s find out as we take you through a detailed comparison between the two platforms and help you pick one for your business. Salesforce: At a Glance It is a cloud-based CRM software useful for finding prospects, closing deals, and connecting deeply with customers to turn them into loyal advocates of your business. Salesforce offers a complete product portfolio that includes CRM apps for sales, service, marketing, and commerce. Artificial intelligence is ingrained in the entire Salesforce technology stack so that it becomes effortless to deliver personalised experiences to your customers. One of the reasons why most people prefer Salesforce is its customisation and integration capabilities. These two features are a necessity for most modern businesses looking to drive their sales. HubSpot: At a Glance HubSpot is another popular CRM software with a focus on inbound marketing. Some of the core functions offered by HubSpot include activity tracking, pipeline visibility, real-time chat with customers/prospects, and a repository for contact information. Like Salesforce, it operates in the cloud, so all your customer data is always in sync across devices and can be accessed even on the go. One reason for the immense popularity of HubSpot is its simplified user interface. The platform is quite user-friendly and can offer value from day one without much training.  Hubspot vs. Salesforce: Key Differences With that basic introduction about HubSpot and Salesforce, let us now compare the two platforms on different key parameters.  Salesforce vs HubSpot: Pricing HubSpot is one of the few CRMs in the market to offer a free plan. While the features are quite basic, this plan might still suffice for very small businesses with limited customer management needs. HubSpot also offers a handful of affordable plans starting from $15 per user per month. There is also a free 14-day free trial on all the paid plans. On, the other hand, Salesforce does not offer any free plans but has a more extensive free trial for 30 days. The paid plans start at $25 per user per month and can go to $500 per user per month.  Winner: HubSpot, mainly because of its affordable plans.  Salesforce vs HubSpot: Dashboards & Reporting HubSpot’s dashboards are intuitive and powerful, but they are no match to the advanced and more capable dashboard of Salesforce that covers real-time sales analytics, trend analysis, predictive analytics, and customer segmentation. It is covered in all the plans except the Starter Suite. HubSpot, on the other hand, offers more basic reports related to sales activity, sales forecasting, website activity, and individual email performance in their paid plans. If you want advanced analytics capabilities, you need to sign up for their Enterprise plan, which could burn a hole in your pockets.  Winner: Salesforce, thanks to in-depth and comprehensive reports that can give a much deeper understanding of your sales performance and customer behaviours. Salesforce vs HubSpot: AI Capabilities The market is already flooded with a variety of AI productivity tools. This can make it harder for most platforms to keep up with the top ones. Thankfully, both Salesforce and HubSpot have taken on the challenge and integrated some of the most advanced AI features into their platforms to decrease time spent on administrative tasks. Salesforce’s AI engine, Einstein offers many of the GenAI features such as forecasting, text generation, and conversational bot creation. There is also a useful prediction builder that enables you to generate custom forecasts based on user data. Even HubSpot is not lagging behind, as you will see plenty of prompts to interact with a built-in AI chatbot that can suggest workflow enhancements, provide data-based insights, and dive into predictive analytics.  Winner: Salesforce. While HubSpot’s AI capabilities are more integrated into its platform, Salesforce’s AI capabilities are slightly more advanced and customisable, giving it a slight edge.  Salesforce vs HubSpot: Onboarding & Ease of Use Both platforms have great onboarding processes, plenty of tutorial guides, and a thriving community to answer any query. HubSpot displays your onboarding journey in the form of milestones, highlighting what you need to do to get going. The best part about HubSpot is how its apps and features are built right into the platform. The layout is also pretty neat and easy to navigate, even if you are new to CRMs. Salesforce, on the other hand, has a more hands-off approach. It walks you through the platform with the help of pop-ups and pre-created demos as you explore its different functions. The layout is also slightly complicated, and your team might need initial handholding from Salesforce experts.  Winner: HubSpot. While Salesforce might have a strong onboarding experience, it is slightly difficult for newbies to navigate because of how its dashboard and features are laid out in the system.  Salesforce vs HubSpot: Customisability In Salesforce, you can add specific new features with the help of standalone apps. If that’s not enough, you can also access their custom coding function to tailor any component that you want. This is extremely beneficial for those businesses that operate with very specific business processes and want a single source of truth for all their operations. Salesforce also has the Code Builder to allow users to develop from anywhere without any additional software. HubSpot’s features can be customised to a good extent too through a no-code process. You can even create custom objects, modify properties, and associations to manage specific data models within HubSpot. Winner: Salesforce, because of its more robust coding capabilities

Making Slack the Pillar of Collaboration in Your Company

Making Slack the Pillar of Collaboration in Your Company

According to Gartner, 47% of digital employees struggle to find the desired information, while 32% end up making the wrong decision due to a lack of information. These 2 hard-hitting facts convey the same thing –  effective collaboration is the key to business success. Most of the time, the information is stuck in silos, leading to inefficiencies, duplicated efforts, and missed opportunities. Now, to improve collaboration in your organisation, there are countless tools available on the internet, but if there is one that stands out due to its rich feature set and capabilities, it has to be Slack. In this article, we will understand how Slack can become the pillar of collaboration in your company. But first, some basics. What is Slack? Slack is an instant messaging and collaboration tool that was launched in 2013. In the last 11 years, it has turned out to be a boon for many companies looking to bolster their team communication. Apart from a real-time environment where team members can chat, Slack also allows them to seamlessly share files, do audio and video calls, and integrate with third-party tools. In Slack, users can create spaces dedicated to specific topics or projects where only relevant team members are invited to collaborate.  Here are some common use cases of Slack: Instant communication Project planning and progress tracking File sharing and document collaboration Customer support Internal knowledge sharing Task management and reminders Importance of seamless collaboration: Why do you need a tool like Slack? Let us now understand why seamless collaboration between team members is very important for a healthy organisation. This also answers the question – why you must adopt Slack in your company. Here are the top reasons: All the team members get a better understanding of all the projects happening within the organisation. For instance, you will find many organisations creating one large Slack space for all the employees in the organisation, where everyone can share what they are going to work on that day or week. Seamless collaboration facilitates easier and better knowledge transfer. For example, when an employee quits, most of the time, the knowledge they gained leaves with them. But when they have interacted with other team members via Slack, all the information is available for retrieval later. This minimises the impact of their departure. Strong collaboration results in a better product or service. The logic is simple. The more the employees communicate, the more they come up with innovative ideas. It results in more opportunities for enhancements and fewer chances of errors.  Effective collaboration fosters a strong culture where everyone supports each other. As a result, there is less fear of failure because now, every project is a group project.  Integration of Slack and Salesforce (SSOT) While Slack is a great tool, no doubt, it becomes even more effective when integrated with Salesforce SSOT. Here are some reasons why Slack plus Salesforce SSOT should be the actual pillar of collaboration in your company –  Real-Time Sales Updates Once you integrate Slack with Salesforce SSOT, all your relevant sales data and updates become easily accessible within Slack. Your sales teams can receive real-time notifications about changes in lead status, deal closures, and other important account activities. This allows your team to act quickly and stay informed without the constant need to open multiple platforms.  Seamless Account Collaboration With Salesforce data available directly in Slack, your sales representatives, account managers, and customer success teams can collaborate more effectively on customer accounts. Shared access to Salesforce records in Slack channels means your teams can discuss and resolve issues in an agile manner. Enhanced Lead Management By integrating Slack with Salesforce, processes like lead assignment and follow-ups become more efficient and effective. In fact, you can set up automated alerts in Slack for new leads. This ensures that no opportunity is missed and that leads are promptly addressed by the right team members. Improved Sales Pipeline Visibility The integration provides clear visibility into your sales pipeline, as you can share Salesforce dashboards and reports in Slack channels. This enables your sales teams to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions to improve sales performance. Accurate Forecasting Using Slack as a communication hub integrated with Salesforce helps maintain data consistency and accuracy. Real-time updates and synchronisation between Slack and Salesforce ensure that sales forecasts are based on the most current data, leading to more reliable predictions and better strategic planning. Salesforce + Slack: The Road Ahead The integration of Salesforce and Slack has already reshaped how teams operate and interact in today’s dynamic business world. A particularly exciting development on this front is the native integration of Slack with Einstein Copilot, the conversational AI assistant for Salesforce CRM. This infusion of GenAI into Slack is set to empower employees to accomplish their tasks more efficiently by providing direct answers to their questions within Slack, all based on trusted customer data. You can read more on how Single Source Of Truth (SSOT) creates a better foundation for GenAI in your company. You can build a workspace where mundane tasks are handled by Slack and Salesforce, allowing employees to focus on more meaningful work. This AI integration will make everyday tasks simpler, interactions more pleasant, and overall productivity higher. If you wish to be a part of this tectonic shift in meaningful collaboration, join hands with Brysa, the leading Salesforce expert in the UK. We offer Salesforce implementation and maintenance services and make sure that you experience all the benefits offered by Salesforce, including the ones you achieve by integrating with Slack. Contact us to start your transformational journey.

How does SSOT create a better foundation for GenAI in your company?

How does SSOT create a better foundation for GenAI

Pick any successful company that has mastered the art of data management and governance; you will find that they have all embraced SSOT or Single Source Of Truth in one way or the other. To the unversed, SSOT is the process of structuring all your data in a way so that there is always a single, accurate, and lone source for any piece of information. These companies very well know the different Single Source Of Truth benefits. SSOT creates a solid foundation for GenAI in their company as it defines how they sustain in a world dominated by artificial intelligence. In this post, we will understand more about how SSOT helps such companies better set up and manage GenAI.  Key data requirements of GenAI Here, we delve into the key data requirements essential for the success of GenAI. Consistent: The data you feed into GenAI systems should always be consistent and accurate. Why? Because the more consistent and representative the data is, the better the GenAI model’s ability to generate meaningful output. Any inconsistencies can lead to erroneous conclusions or predictions. An SSOT minimises discrepancies and improves the reliability of the generated insights. High-Quality:  You need to ensure that the highest quality of data is fed into the GenAI model for its effective training. SSOT centralises data management and ensures data integrity. It also promotes excellent data quality by enforcing standards for data entry, storage, and management.  Data Access: A typical GenAI system demands uninterrupted access to large volumes of data. This is needed for both training and inference purposes. SSOT helps in this regard by offering a centralised repository from which the GenAI system can retrieve information. This automatically reduces the time and resources required for retrieving relevant data for the above tasks.  Collaboration: While building and training GenAI models, you will need multiple people from different teams to work together. Most of the time, there will be a lack of coordination between them, resulting in ineffective GenAI models. But with SSOT, you get a common framework for data sharing and communication. This ensures that teams can seamlessly collaborate with each other and that they are always on the same page when it comes to data sources. Scalable: GenAI applications evolve rapidly and constantly grow in complexity. As a result, the underlying data infrastructure must always be scalable in order to support increasing demands. SSOT provides a scalable foundation for this. It enables companies to accommodate growing volumes of data and expanding AI workloads. The best part – it doesn’t compromise on performance or reliability. Compliance and Governance: GenAI initiatives are always subjected to various regulatory requirements. For instance, they need to ensure data privacy and security all the time. SSOT enables companies to implement robust governance and compliance mechanisms. It does this by establishing clear policies and controls for data access, usage, and protection.  How does Salesforce Single Source Of Truth lay the best foundation for GenAI systems? Here are the different reasons to adopt the Single Source Of Truth Salesforce platform if you want to streamline your GenAI efforts –  It unifies customer data: By using Salesforce as your primary SSOT framework, you can ensure that all the customer information is stored in Salesforce. Salesforce integrates with almost every tool and platform on this planet so that information flows freely across different systems, including the GenAI models. This means you need only two platforms to run the entire show – Salesforce and the GenAI system.  360-Degree Customer View: If your GenAI system demands a holistic view of each customer in order to personalise recommendations, make accurate predictions, and generate stellar service experiences, Salesforce can make that happen. Salesforce maintains a comprehensive profile of all your customers, including their interactions, preferences, and purchase history, so that you can adopt Single Source Of Truth marketing and sales for your business. Sales Process Optimization: Many GenAI solutions analyse sales data to identify patterns and trends in your sales processes. It can also predict customer behaviour and market dynamics. By leveraging Salesforce, you can ensure that the data used by these GenAI models to optimise sales processes is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date. Ultimately, ‘Salesforce + GenAI’ offers more reliable predictions and lets you make better-informed sales decisions. AI-Powered Sales Insights: Integrating Salesforce with GenAI solutions enables you to unlock valuable sales insights. Salesforce ensures that the data fed into the GenAI model for sales forecasting, lead scoring, and opportunity management is of the highest quality. This enables your sales teams to prioritise leads, identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities, and forecast revenue with greater accuracy. Wrap Up We will be honest here – while an SSOT indeed offers a better foundation for GenAI in your company, building an SSOT framework using Salesforce is not easy, especially if you are new to the ecosystem. It will demand a lot of resources, capital and time from you. This is where  Brysa can help. As the UK’s foremost Salesforce company with expertise in Salesforce consulting services and Salesforce implementation services, we’ve helped numerous enterprises streamline their Salesforce management and leverage it to build a solid SSOT framework. Talk to us to discuss how we can assist you further.

How Mid-Sized Companies Can Boost Their Growth with Organized IT Dev Processes

Medium-sized businesses often find themselves at a unique crossroads; they are no longer small startups but haven’t yet reached the stature of large enterprises. This transition stage can be challenging, and it’s essential to have the right tools and strategies in place to grow and succeed. One such tool that can make a significant difference is Salesforce, a powerful CRM platform that can streamline operations and drive efficiency. In addition, a well-organized IT development process can make all the difference when implementing Salesforce successfully. Why Salesforce is Perfect for Medium-Sized Businesses Salesforce is much more than just a CRM platform. It offers a comprehensive ecosystem that caters to sales, marketing, customer service, finance, and more. It is a tool that massively helps in maximising the ROI for SMEs. Companies can enjoy several benefits: Improved Efficiency: With all tools accessible from one platform, employees can focus on their work without wasting time switching between different systems (Read our case study of how we merged Salesforce with Sharepoint to avoid duplication and improved resource and time efficiency by 50%). Customised Dashboards: Real-time insights into business performance become readily available through tailored dashboards, empowering data-driven decision-making. Flexible Solutions: Salesforce can be customised to suit unique business needs, ensuring that the platform grows and evolves with the company. Better Collaboration: Built-in collaboration tools, like Chatter, encourage seamless communication and teamwork among employees, leading to a positive work environment. Greater Visibility: In-depth insights into sales pipelines, customer behavior, and financial performance become accessible through Salesforce’s data analytics tools. Organised IT Development Processes: The Key to Success To fully leverage Salesforce’s potential and ensure successful implementation, it’s crucial to have an organised IT development process in place. This includes properly gathering requirements, allowing enough time for testing, and ensuring robust development. Here’s why these elements matter: Accurate Requirements Gathering: A deep understanding of your business’s unique needs is vital when designing a tailored solution. Taking the time to analyse requirements ensures that Salesforce implementation aligns with your business goals and processes, leading to optimised results and higher ROI. Sufficient Time for Testing: Thorough testing is essential for any software implementation, including Salesforce. By allowing enough time for testing, you can ensure that your customisations, integrations, and workflows function as intended, reducing the risk of costly errors or inefficiencies. Focus on Robust Development: Prioritising high-quality development practices leads to a stable, secure, and scalable Salesforce solution. By adhering to industry best practices and standards, you can create a reliable platform that supports your business now and into the future. Embrace Salesforce and Streamline Your IT Development for Greater Success Medium-sized businesses need to adapt to the ever-evolving business landscape, and investing in Salesforce can provide them with the competitive edge they need. When combined with organised IT development processes, these companies can ensure a successful Salesforce implementation, resulting in increased efficiency, productivity, and growth. At Brysa, our team of Salesforce experts is passionate about helping medium-sized companies harness the power of Salesforce and streamline their IT development processes. Reach out to us today to find out how we can help your business thrive with Salesforce.

Salesforce and Process Mining: Transforming Media Industry Operations

The media industry is characterised by its creative processes and dynamic campaign strategies. However, the complexity of these operations often leads to inefficiencies, significantly impacting a company’s bottom line. Process mining, a rapidly growing area of information technology, offers a potential solution to streamline these convoluted processes. As Salesforce continues to dominate the customer relationship management (CRM) landscape, partnering with experienced Salesforce and process consultants becomes essential for media companies seeking to optimise their operations (read detailed blog of why Salesforce is the perfect partner of growing media and publishing businesses). According to one estimate, inefficiencies in business processes can cost companies between 20% and 30% of annual revenue. Process mining technology aims to untangle these procedural challenges. By extracting log files from IT systems and using algorithms to process the data, process mining tools can automatically create models that show the reality of the operations. This insight helps businesses identify bottlenecks, redundancies, and areas of improvement. With a growing market and numerous firms offering a range of mining services, process mining has become increasingly competitive. These services include checking whether processes work in practice as they should on paper and measuring how they compare to the same process at other companies. Increasingly, process mining is being combined with artificial intelligence to predict where and when bottlenecks may occur. For media companies, partnering with experienced Salesforce and process consultants is crucial in leveraging process mining technology. Salesforce, as the leading CRM platform, has a wealth of data on customer interactions and campaign performance. Integrating process mining tools with Salesforce can enable media companies to optimise their creative processes, campaign management, and customer service. As it is, there is a growing significance of data and programmatic in OOH Advertising. In the media industry, process mining can be particularly beneficial when it comes to managing creative and campaign-related processes. By identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement, media companies can reduce the time it takes to bring a campaign to market, optimise resource allocation, and improve overall campaign performance. Moreover, the insights gained through process mining can help streamline communication between different departments, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working efficiently. As more media companies adopt Salesforce and other CRM tools, the need for process mining and optimisation services will only grow. To maximise the benefits of process mining, media companies must work with consultants who have a deep understanding of both Salesforce and the unique challenges faced by the media industry. Salesforce and process consultants can help media companies get the most out of their CRM tools by: Analysing and optimising creative processes, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and projects are delivered on time. Identifying bottlenecks and redundancies in campaign management, allowing for faster and more effective decision-making. Streamlining customer service processes, improving response times and customer satisfaction. Implementing predictive analytics to anticipate potential issues and proactively address them before they impact performance. Comparing processes across different teams and departments, fostering best practices and promoting continuous improvement. By partnering with experienced Salesforce and process consultants, media companies can leverage the power of process mining to transform their operations, drive efficiency, and improve overall performance. In an industry where creativity and innovation are paramount, process mining can provide a much-needed edge in a competitive landscape.

Navigating the AI Transformation: The Crucial Role of SF & Change Management Expertise

The integration of AI technologies in the media industry has opened up new opportunities for innovation and efficiency. However, the adoption of these technologies comes with its own set of challenges. In this blog post, we will explore the potential pitfalls of integrating AI into existing workflows in the media industry, emphasising the importance of having both Salesforce and change management expertise to ensure a successful transition. The Challenges of Integrating AI Technologies The integration of AI technologies into existing workflows in the media industry poses several challenges that can lead to program failure if not managed well. Some of these challenges include: Resistance to change: Employees may be reluctant to adopt new technologies due to fear of job displacement or the belief that AI-generated content is inferior to human-produced content. Technical difficulties: Implementing AI tools may require significant infrastructure upgrades or changes to existing systems, which can be both time-consuming and costly. Integration issues: Ensuring seamless integration of AI tools with existing processes and platforms can be a complex task, particularly if there are compatibility issues or other technical hurdles to overcome. Training and support: Employees need to be trained to use AI tools effectively and adapt to new workflows, which requires dedicated resources and time. The Role of Salesforce and Change Management Expertise To mitigate the risks associated with AI integration in the media industry, organisations need to rely on both Salesforce and change management expertise. Salesforce Expertise: Seamless integration: Salesforce experts can help ensure that AI tools are seamlessly integrated with existing platforms, reducing the risk of technical issues and compatibility problems. Performance tracking: Salesforce provides the ability to track the performance of AI-generated content, enabling organisations to make data-driven decisions about the effectiveness of their AI tools and make adjustments as needed. Quality control: Salesforce’s tools and services can help organisations manage AI-generated content and ensure that quality standards are maintained, minimising the risk of brand damage or loss of audience trust. Change Management Expertise: Addressing resistance to change: Change management experts can help organisations identify and address the root causes of employee resistance to AI integration, such as providing reassurance about job security and demonstrating the benefits of AI-generated content. Developing a change strategy: A well-planned change strategy is essential for a smooth transition. Change management professionals can help create a roadmap that outlines the steps required for successful AI adoption, taking into consideration organisational culture, resources, and goals. Training and support: Change management experts can help organisations develop and implement comprehensive training programs that ensure employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize AI tools effectively and adapt to new workflows. Monitoring and adjustment: Change management professionals can help organisations monitor the progress of AI integration, identify potential issues or areas of improvement, and make adjustments to the change strategy as needed. The successful integration of AI technologies into the media industry requires a careful balance between embracing innovation and managing the associated risks. Organisations must recognise that both Salesforce and change management expertise are critical to ensuring a smooth transition and avoiding program failure. By leveraging the knowledge and skills of these professionals, media companies can navigate the AI transformation with confidence and capitalize on the opportunities it presents.

The Power of AI in Media and Advertising: How Salesforce Einstein Transforms Engagement

The Sales team in the media and advertising industry probably well aware of the power of Salesforce and its potential to revolutionise sales processes. They might also have heard about the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and its growing impact on the business world. But how can the team harness the power of AI within your Salesforce ecosystem to enhance customer engagement and drive revenue growth? The answer lies in Salesforce Einstein. Salesforce Einstein is an AI-powered platform integrated within Salesforce, designed to provide users with intelligent insights, predictions, and recommendations based on your company’s data. It automates complex processes, uncovers hidden patterns, and helps your team make more informed decisions – all in real-time. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Einstein can transform customer engagement in the media and advertising industry and help you stay ahead of the competition. 1. Personalising Customer Journeys In today’s fast-paced, digital-first world, customers expect personalised experiences tailored to their preferences and behaviors. Salesforce Einstein enables you to achieve this by analysing vast amounts of customer data and identifying patterns and trends that can help you create more targeted and relevant marketing campaigns. Einstein’s AI-powered predictive analytics can segment your audience based on their online behavior, demographic information, and past interactions with your brand. It can also recommend the best channel and time to engage with each customer, resulting in higher click-through rates and more effective ad campaigns. Read why we believe Salesforce CRM is the perfect partner for your growing media and publishing businesses. 2. Smarter Lead Scoring and Conversion Predictions Einstein’s AI capabilities can help your sales team prioritise leads by predicting which ones are most likely to convert. By analysing historical data on customer interactions and correlating it with individual lead profiles, Einstein can assign a lead score that reflects the probability of conversion. This allows your sales team to focus their efforts on high-priority leads, improving overall efficiency and conversion rates. In addition, Einstein can predict potential churn risks among your existing clients, giving your team the opportunity to intervene and retain valuable customers before they slip away. You can therefore, boost your Ad efficiency with strategic tech integration. 3. Enhancing Creativity with AI-Driven Content Generation One of the challenges in the media and advertising industry is producing a steady stream of engaging and relevant content. Einstein’s AI-driven natural language processing (NLP) and image recognition capabilities can help your creative team come up with innovative ideas and concepts for your campaigns. For example, Einstein can analyse textual data to identify trending topics and keywords that resonate with your target audience. It can also recognise objects and patterns in images, providing inspiration for visual storytelling. By combining these insights with your team’s expertise, you can create compelling content that stands out in the crowded media landscape. Salesforce assembles all data in one place called Single Source of Truth (SSOT). This SSOT creates a solid foundation for GenAI in your company processes. 3. Optimising Ad Spend with AI-Powered Insights Media and advertising budgets are often spread across multiple channels, making it challenging to allocate resources effectively. Einstein can help optimise your ad spend by analysing campaign performance data and identifying which channels and strategies generate the best results. By leveraging AI-driven insights, you can fine-tune your campaigns, allocate your budget more efficiently, and maximise your return on investment (ROI). 4. Embracing a Data-Driven Culture To make the most of Salesforce Einstein, it’s crucial to establish a data-driven culture within your organisation. Encourage your team to embrace AI-powered insights and use them to inform their decision-making process. Provide training and resources to help them understand how Einstein works and how it can benefit their daily tasks. By fostering a data-driven mindset, your team will be better equipped to leverage Einstein’s full potential, leading to more accurate predictions, smarter decision-making, and improved customer engagement. We believe there is an immensely growing significance of programmatic in OOH Advertising and Salesforce with this data driven approach enables that. In conclusion, Salesforce Einstein offers a powerful and versatile AI solution that can help you transform customer engagement in the media and advertising industry. By personalising customer journeys, predicting lead conversions, enhancing creativity, optimising ad spend, and embracing a data-driven culture, you can stay ahead of the competition and drive revenue growth. At Brysa, we understand that navigating the world of AI can be challenging, especially when it comes to implementing advanced solutions like Salesforce Einstein. That’s why our team of excellent Salesforce consultants, based in London, is here to help. With our extensive knowledge and experience in the Salesforce ecosystem, we can guide you through the process of understanding and leveraging Einstein AI to its full potential. Our experts will work closely with you to assess your current Salesforce environment, identify opportunities for AI integration, and develop a tailored strategy to enhance your customer engagement initiatives. We pride ourselves on our commitment to client success, and we will ensure that your organisation reaps the maximum benefits from Einstein AI, while also providing ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey. Don’t let the power of AI in media and advertising pass you by. Partner with Brysa today and unlock the transformative potential of Salesforce Einstein for your business.

Preventing Revenue Leakage: Solutions for Businesses

Generating profits is a top priority for businesses of all sizes. However, a common issue that businesses face is revenue leakage, which occurs when a business earns revenue but doesn’t collect it. This problem can be caused by a variety of factors, including human error, poor processes, and bad data. In many cases, revenue leakage goes unnoticed, resulting in a significant loss of revenue for the business. There are several areas where revenue leakage tends to occur, including unenforced contracts, late payments, late invoicing, data entry errors, poor accounting, high discounting, and poor revenue operations. By understanding these areas and implementing effective solutions, businesses can prevent revenue leakage and protect their bottom line. 1. Unenforced contracts One of the primary causes of revenue leakage is unenforced contracts. This occurs when a customer fails to pay for services that they have received. To prevent this, businesses should ensure that they have clear and concise contracts in place with enforceable terms. These terms should be agreed upon by both parties before any services are provided. Businesses should also have a comprehensive contract management system in place to ensure that contracts are followed and any breaches of the contract are addressed. Salesforce CPQ offers a contract management solution that can help businesses manage their contracts and ensure compliance with the agreed-upon terms. 2. Late payments This can be prevented by setting up a streamlined invoicing and payment collection process. This process should include sending out invoices promptly and consistently, following up with customers who have not paid, and providing convenient payment options. It may also be helpful to incentivise customers to pay on time. Accounting Seed provides a robust invoicing and payment collection system that integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, making it easier for businesses to manage their invoicing and payment processes (read our case study of how we improved efficiency by almost 30% with seamless integration). 3. Late invoicing To prevent this, businesses should implement a system to ensure that all invoices are sent out promptly and accurately. This system should include a process for tracking invoices and following up with customers who have not paid. Additionally, businesses can set up automated invoicing and payment collection systems to streamline the process. Accounting Seed offers an automated invoicing solution that integrates with Salesforce, allowing businesses to easily manage their invoicing and payment collection processes. 4. Data entry errors These errors can occur when data is entered manually into systems or when there are inconsistencies between different systems. To prevent this, businesses should have strict quality control measures in place, including a system of checks and balances to ensure that all data is accurate and consistent across different systems. Additionally, businesses can implement an automated data entry system to reduce the risk of human error. Salesforce offers a data entry solution that can help businesses automate their data entry processes and reduce the risk of errors (read our case study of how we integrated Salesforce-ChatGPT to transfer email inquiries into Salesforce leads). 5. Poor accounting FTX, which was the leading cryptocurrency exchange and was once valued at $32 Billion collapsed because of substandard accounting practices. This Poor accounting occurs when the accounting team fails to keep accurate records of financial transactions, which can result in lost revenue. To prevent this, businesses should have an experienced and skilled accounting team in place. This team should have a comprehensive understanding of the business’s financial processes and be able to identify areas where revenue leakage is occurring. Accounting Seed offers a comprehensive accounting solution that integrates with Salesforce, allowing businesses to manage their financial processes efficiently. 6. High discounting While it may be necessary to offer discounts to customers to incentivise them to buy, excessive discounting can eat away at profits. To prevent this, businesses should have a clear pricing strategy in place based on the value of their products or services. By understanding their value proposition, businesses can charge a fair price that customers are willing to pay, without sacrificing profits. Additionally, businesses can train their sales team to sell based on value rather than price, to reduce the need for excessive discounting 7. Poor revenue operations When different departments in the business are not communicating effectively, it results in lost revenue opportunities. To prevent this, businesses should have clear communication channels in place, including a system for different departments to communicate effectively. Additionally, businesses can ensure that everyone is working towards the same revenue goals, and they are not missing out on any revenue opportunities. This can be achieved by having cross-functional teams to promote collaboration, ensuring that everyone is aware of their responsibilities, and regular communication with all departments. Salesforce offers a revenue operations solution that can help businesses manage their revenue operations more efficiently. In conclusion, revenue leakage can cause significant damage to a business’s bottom line. However, by understanding the causes of revenue leakage and implementing effective solutions, businesses can protect their profits and promote growth. At Brysa, we specialise in helping businesses optimise their revenue streams. As a Salesforce and Accounting Seed partner based in London, UK, we have extensive experience in revenue management and can help businesses implement the right processes and procedures to prevent revenue leakage from happening. Our team of experts can provide valuable insights and recommendations to streamline processes and ensure businesses are collecting all the revenue they are owed. In addition to revenue management services, Brysa offers a range of services that help businesses maximise their Salesforce investment. We provide tailored Salesforce solutions, including consulting, development, integration, and ongoing support, to help businesses achieve their goals. Our team of certified Salesforce professionals works closely with businesses to understand their unique requirements and develop customised solutions that meet their needs. If you’re concerned about revenue leakage and want to ensure that your business is running at peak efficiency, contact Brysa today. We’re here to help you achieve your revenue goals and take your business to the next level.

Southwest Airlines’ failure is a lesson in how to think about tech


Technology investment is often perceived as a cost center, with the perception being that it is an expense that a company must bear in order to remain competitive. However, this perception is misguided, as technology investment can actually serve as a profit center for a company. This is exemplified by the failure of Southwest Airlines, which occurred due to the company’s failure to make adequate technology investments. Southwest Airlines was once a pioneer in the airline industry, with its low-cost business model and customer-friendly approach setting it apart from its competitors. However, in recent years, Southwest has struggled to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change, and this failure has had serious consequences for the company. One of the primary reasons for Southwest’s decline was its failure to invest in modern computer systems. Despite being one of the largest airlines in the world, Southwest’s computer systems were outdated and unable to handle the complexity of modern air travel. As a result, the company was plagued by delays and cancellations, which frustrated customers and led to a decline in passenger numbers. In addition to operational problems, Southwest’s outdated computer systems also made it difficult for the company to innovate and introduce new products and services. For example, Southwest was slow to adopt online booking systems and mobile apps, which hindered its ability to compete with newer, more tech-savvy competitors. It is clear that Southwest’s failure to invest in technology was a major contributing factor to its decline. However, the company’s story serves as a cautionary tale for other businesses, as it illustrates the importance of technology investment in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven economy. During times of economic recession, it is natural for businesses of all sizes to focus on cost-cutting measures in order to survive. However, it is important for medium-sized businesses to resist the temptation to view technology investment as a cost center and instead consider it as a profit center. While it may seem counterintuitive to invest in technology during a recession, the reality is that technology can actually help medium-sized businesses to weather economic downturns and emerge stronger. By investing in modern computer systems and other technologies, medium-sized businesses can improve their operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency, leading to increased profits and a stronger competitive position. Furthermore, technology investment can also help medium-sized businesses to innovate and introduce new products and services, which can drive revenue and market share. For example, companies that invest in e-commerce technologies are able to reach a wider audience and offer their products and services to a global market, even in the midst of a recession. Therefore, while it may be tempting to cut back on technology spending during economic downturns, the long-term benefits of technology investment far outweigh the short-term costs. By making strategic technology investments, medium-sized businesses can position themselves for success in any economic environment. At Brysa, we understand the importance of technology investment for medium-sized businesses. Our team of experts can help you make the right technology investment decisions for your business, ensuring that you are well-equipped to succeed in today’s tech-driven economy. Source:

As a CFO or FD, what key benefits of Accounting Seed you need to know about?


As finance directors and CFOs, it is essential to have a robust and reliable system in place for managing the financial operations of your organisation. One tool that has the potential to revolutionise the finance function of your organisation is Accounting Seed. Accounting Seed is a cloud-based accounting software cloud-based accounting software that is specifically designed for use in small to medium-sized businesses. It offers a wide range of features that can significantly improve the way your finance team operates. Here are some key benefits of using Accounting Seed (read the detailed comparison between Accounting Seed and its competitors like QuickBooks, Sage and Xero): 1. Streamlined and automated workflows: Accounting Seed automates many of the tedious, time-consuming tasks that are involved in financial management. This frees up your finance team to focus on more high-level tasks, such as analysing data and strategising for the future. Additionally, the software is highly customisable, allowing you to tailor the system to the specific needs of your organisation, streamlining processes and increasing efficiency. 2. Integration with Salesforce (read our case study of how we improved efficiency by almost 30% with seamless integration): If your organisation uses Salesforce, Accounting Seed can easily integrate with the platform, providing a comprehensive view of your financial data within the same system you use for customer relationship management. This can save your finance team time and effort, as they do not need to switch between multiple systems. 3. Real-time financial reporting: Accounting Seed offers real-time financial reporting, allowing you to access up-to-date financial reports anytime, anywhere. This means you can make informed business decisions based on the most current data available. 4. Scalability: Accounting Seed is designed for small to medium-sized businesses, but it is also scalable to meet the needs of growing organisations. As John Ray III, the CEO of FTX, highlighted that FTX used Quickbooks, a tool not suited for multi-billion dollar companies. Quickbooks is a great tool for small businesses, however, fails to accommodate growth.    Overall, Accounting Seed is a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionise the finance function of your organisation. Its ability to streamline and automate workflows, integrate with Salesforce, provide real-time financial reporting, and scale to meet the needs of growing organisations can greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your finance team. If you are a finance director or CFO looking to modernise your organisation’s financial management system, consider giving Accounting Seed a try. Partnering with a knowledgeable and experienced team can greatly improve the implementation process. At Brysa, we are proud to be Accounting Seed partners, offering expert guidance and support to help your organisation get the most out of the platform. Our team has extensive experience with Accounting Seed and can assist with everything from initial setup and configuration to ongoing training and support. We can work with you to customise the system to meet the specific needs of your organisation and ensure a smooth and seamless transition to the new software. By partnering with Brysa for your Accounting Seed implementation, you can trust that you are in good hands. We are committed to helping your organisation realise the full potential of the platform and achieve success with your financial management system. So, if you are considering implementing Accounting Seed, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for expert guidance and support.